
Deliver your message with clarity and authority. Establish yourself as an expert in your field. Persuade readers to take action.

I create content in both pixels and ink across media platforms—so how can I help you?

If it’s a report you’re planning, I can sift through that mountain of notes and case studies on your desk to generate a document that’s as elegant as it is clear. Or is it a series of blogs you have in mind? I can take those madcap ideas that have been percolating for a decade and turn them into posts that will captivate your readers and get them talking. Or is it website traffic that's on your mind? If so, let me help you find the right words and tone to attract visitors who will stick around and convert.

Tone of voice is on a lot of minds right now—I can help you nail yours, so your tone is unmistakably yours across all your written communications, reinforcing your brand identity.

Don't underestimate the impact of tone on your customers. It relays your brand personality, stirring trust in your customers and creating a sense of familiarity. To be truly effective, it needs to be consistent—everything from your annual report to your casual email replies need to sound like you. So be honest—what’s the deal with your corporate tone of voice? Is it a neglected thing, hiding coyly in the broom cupboard? Or an erratic team player, sometimes on fire but often lacking focus? I can meet it wherever it finds itself and deftly coax it into shape, making your corporate tone of voice worthy of your brand message, values and culture.

Or perhaps you need a hand with something else entirely. Please don’t be shy. Whatever the nature of your project, I’d love to hear about it.

Copywriting for webpages

For your webpages to be effective, your written content must:

  • Generate targeted traffic to your website
  • Persuade visitors to hang around
  • Inspire visitors to convert—most likely by pressing Subscribe or Buy

In other words, you need your content to give you more clicks from the right people, and for it to inspire these people to take action in a way that’s meaningful to you. For this to happen, your content must be clear, persuasive and focused sharply on your audience.

Let me know if you’d like help with this.

What copywriting isn’t: JUST writing.

Copywriters worth their salt follow a vital sequence in their creative journey. A typical project will look something like this:

Research you
I familiarise myself with your organisation—your history, your current situation, your aspirations and challenges—leaving no stone unturned in my quest to understand how you operate and what you believe in.

Your objectives
I clarify what you need to achieve from your copy.

Your target audience
I ask essential questions. What motivates the people who will encounter your content? What problems do they need solving? How will they benefit from your product or service?

Your competitors
How do they promote themselves? How do they sell? How can you do better?

Then I sift through my research findings, tap into your expertise and refine your objectives so your copy best meets the needs and wants of the people it’s targeted at. I then sit down with you to decide on your preferred writing style and tone of voice.

I retreat to my attic and get writing, creating sharp, thought-provoking content that will induce desire and trust from your core audience. If the copy is destined for your webpages, I ensure it’s web optimised (SEO) and therefore irresistible to the Google spiders, giving you the best possible chance of being found online.

Editing and proofreading
I take a long, hard look at the copy I’ve created and get ruthless, refining the central ideas, reducing the word count, improving the flow, and perfecting the grammar and syntax.

I hand the copy over to you, confident you’re going to love it but entirely open to your comments. Revisions are a natural part of the process—a good copywriter’s job isn’t done until the client is completely happy with the result.


Creative translation from Italian to English

Translation vs transcreation—what’s the difference?

Translation is the discipline of changing words from one language to another. It’s functional and efficient, and any lyrical quality to the original content is often lost.

Sometimes a straight translation is good enough—the wording in a hairdryer brochure, for instance, doesn’t need to be subtle or expressive, it just needs to describe the A-Z of controlling airflow through a plastic nozzle. But when you want text to trigger an emotional response, a simple translation rarely cuts it. Errors and misunderstandings creep in for the simple reason that some (many!) turns of phrase from the source language don’t benefit from a direct translation. Language is more than a means of communication—it’s a cultural phenomenal, shaped by the world around us and influenced by our local experiences and histories. Meaning is lost when words are translated without allowance for culture.

Take expressions and jokes: these rarely work when they’re translated literally. The Italian Come no? does not translate to How no? (You bet! comes closer). Sei una pizza means you’re a bore, not you're baked dough topped with sauce. The translated label on a high-end jacket stating, This garment conjugates the history and essence of historic trademark with the latest generation of materials will elicit giggles from an English reader, even if the dictionary is satisfied with the translation from Italian. In short, translated text often ends up a little jagged, a little flat and a little wrong.

Transcreation—don't settle for less

Transcreation blends the discipline of translation with the art of interpretation. Transcreated (creatively translated) copy captures the spirit of the original text while showing a deep understanding of the language structure and cultural idiosyncrasies of the target language. It involves a reshaping of the original message rather than a word-for-word text conversion. Transcreated text is fluid. It feels complete.

I’m a native English speaker and I’m fluent in Italian

I transcreate from Italian to English, creating text that shimmers with flow and rhythm—your message won't seem like a translation. Through the copy I craft, I bring Italian brands to a global market by making them relevant and desirable to an English-language audience. My mission is for your target reader to get the same pleasure from the translated text as they would from the Italian original. My job is not done until the finished text is expressive, exudes empathy and conveys what is written between the lines.

Avoid cultural clashes

I'm half-Italian, half-English and have spent large chunks of my life both in Italy and the UK. I know what offends in both language and what raises a smile. I will analyse your Italian content with care and steer you towards English solutions that earn attention for all the right reasons.


Creative writing and communication workshops

Effective communication makes people pay attention. My bespoke training is designed to help you refine and develop those vital communication skills. The result: a deeper rapport with your customers and stronger connections within your organisation.

I’ll share tools and techniques to help you express yourself in a way that’s clear, concise and engaging—both on paper and on screen. Sometimes a neat, snappy report is all that’s required to get the job done. At other times, precision and simplicity aren’t enough to engage an audience—a distinctive narrative style is called for too. That’s why I put great emphasis on storytelling techniques in my on-the-job coaching.

So what’s the big deal with stories?

The success of an organisation often hinges on the quality of the stories it tells. Compelling narratives told in a distinctive voice move people and deepen their loyalty. Great stories inspire teams, win new audiences and persuade customers to part with their precious cash.

It’s not magic—the human mind is designed to love a well-told yarn. When we encounter a story involving believable characters, our brains release the hormone oxytocin which makes us more empathetic and cooperative. In other words, great stories make people care. So if your aim is to convey your message in a way that motivates readers to take action, you won’t regret spending time finessing your creative writing skills.

Hands-on training for better, smarter writing

All my training sessions have a strong practical component, with each fresh point backed up with a written exercise. Feedback and constructive criticism are led by me and actively encouraged from all group members. I draw on genuine work documents (emails, reports etc.), my own writing and sometimes the work of workshop participants.

A typical workshop looks like this:

Knowing your audience, setting writing objectives, making decisions on structural patterns and tone.

Main event

The pyramid story structure, the three-act structure, core messages, headings and crossheadings, information blocks, thought completion, calls to action, clarity, brevity, strategies for conquering writer's block, strategies for overcoming the dread of the blank page.

Editing nuts and bolts

An overview of grammar, editing and proofreading. I teach participants the skill of critical detachment—that is, the ability to stand back from their own work and see what needs fixing.


Long-form writing to give your readers a more immersive experience

I've written and edited for some of the most prestigious newspapers and glossy magazines in the world, so I have the skillset and experience to provide you with extended pieces (such as features) for your website, newsletter or annual report. Because sometimes you just need those extra lines to get the job done properly.

Longer, meatier articles give you the space to:

  • Solve problems: sometimes an answer can’t be reached in three sentences
  • Deepen your audience engagement: how better to share the nuance of your expertise or dig deep into the issues affecting your field? Your readers will appreciate you taking the time to give of yourself and will reward you for it.
  • Tell a story: Take your readers on a compelling journey and they’ll want to stick around.
  • Give your work a human element: If there’s an emotional component to your content, your audience will care. It’s all about weaving anecdotes and credible characters into your written material.

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